Jarret Addleman, LMT #25895

Jarret's passion for massage therapy started at a young age, when he wanted to help a family member working a physical job with their aches and pains. He was trained at the East-West College of Healing Arts in Portland, Oregon, and utilizes a blend of relaxation massage with therapeutic techniques, including deep tissue, myofascial, joint mobilization and trigger point therapies to tailor a session specifically to your needs to create a soothing, transformative experience.

Jarret Bio pic

Kristy Arneson, LMT #24084

Kristy became interested in the wholistic healthcare world after a sports injury. She realized the importance of hands-on treatments like chiropractic and massage and how interconnected the body is. She started massage school with a focus in sports massage, trigger points, and myofascial release. Kristy truly treats the body with the understanding of how the muscles can affect the joints and vice-versa. She views the body as a whole and understands that more than the site of pain can be contributing to the issues at hand.


David Smowton, CPT, MQP, LMT #24767

David is on a personal quest to help clients reduce stress, heal trauma and integrate self-love through fitness, meditation, and bodywork. He is an Ace Certified Personal Trainer, Medical Qigong Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist. With these skills he helps clients reach their wellness goals through holistic functional fitness training and lifestyle coaching. 
